**PLEASE SEE UPDATES AND CONFIRM YOUR RSVP VIA https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cuaahk-annual-general-meeting-2020-tickets-113843129866 **
Dear Members,
Further to the 7 July 2020 notice of annual general meeting of the Association to be held on 29 July 2020 (the “AGM”), the Association wishes to advise Members of changes to the AGM arrangements in light of additional measures currently in effect in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure proper social distancing is observed and Members’ health and wellbeing protected.
Meeting Time and Venue: The venue for the AGM has been changed to Conference Rooms 4 and 5, The Hong Kong Management Association, 14 Floor, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong. The AGM date and event time table remain unchanged: the event will begin at 6:30pm with the talk by The Honorable Bernard Chan on “The Future of Hong Kong”, followed by the AGM at 7:30 pm.
Limiting In-Person Attendance at the AGM: To comply with the applicable government measures, the Association will limit attendance in person at the meeting venue to no more than 40 Members, who will be divided into two groups of not more than 20 each, seated with proper social distancing. The Association will admit Members on a first come first served basis.
Members attending the AGM in person are expected to comply with all social distancing measures implemented at the venue including temperature screening and use of a mask and sanitiser. Anyone who declines to adhere to any of the measures may be denied entry. No refreshments or drinks will be served.
Video Call of Event: The talk by The Honorable Bernard Chan and the proceedings of the AGM will be live-streamed by zoom (link to be sent prior to the event). The event is free for attendees but please register to attend in-person or by Zoom (those that have registered to attend previously will need to confirm as well) via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cuaahk-annual-general-meeting-2020-tickets-113843129866. As crowd gathering is to be avoided, we would recommend that you attend by zoom.
Voting by Proxy: Members are reminded that physical attendance at the AGM is NOT NECESSARY for voting rights to be exercised and they are strongly encouraged to cast their votes by submitting a proxy form appointing the Chairperson of the AGM as their proxy, with voting instructions if desired. The Proxy Form will be dispatched on 22 July 2020 with General Committee election candidates names set out and Members MUST return the completed form to [email protected] no later than 8:30 pm on Monday, 27 July 2020 for the vote to be valid. Any Member interested in serving as General Committee member please send in a brief CV to the same email address by 11:59pm today – Friday 17 July 2020.
The General Committee will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic situation closely and may adopt further procedures and measures at short notice as public health situation and/or government regulations change. Members should check the Association’s website at http://hongkong.alumni.columbia.edu/ for further announcements and updates on the AGM arrangements. Members who have registered and paid the event dues will receive a refund in full via PayPal. The General Committee would like to thank Members for their continued support and understanding during these extraordinary times and look forward to fully engaging again in the near future.
17 July 2020
For and on behalf of the General Committee
David Peng
President 2018-2020