CUAAHK Volunteer Opportunity: Packing of PlayBox for Underprivileged Children + Networking Lunch
Sat, May 15

We are recruiting volunteers to help pack play boxes for underprivileged kids for the NGO Playright.
Project background:
Play is a natural instinct of children, however, this was prohibited during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for underprivileged children. Playright Children’s Play Association, with the support of JC sustainable funding, aims to encourage children (underprivileged families) to get ready for outdoor play by providing natural play bags; In the meantime, Playright will also provide training to teachers and social workers, to empower them with skills to support children play outdoor during post-recovery.
For more info on Playright.
Volunteer Needed:
We need your support to contribute to this project! You will help playbags packing, our project in-charge will share more about Playright, the concept of projects and the play contents to you during the service.
Volunteer Needed:
We need your support to contribute to this project! You will help playbags packing, our project in-charge will share more about Playright, the concept of projects and the play contents to you during the service.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2021
Location: Anne Marden Playright Academy (AMPA)
K01, 6/F MG Tower, 133 Hoi Bin Road, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon
Morning Session: Packing 10am - noon + Lunch at La Serre (2 mins from AMPA)
Afternoon Session: Lunch at noon at La Serre + Packing 2pm - 4pm
Each session's max capacity is 12 person.
Sign up on this event page. First come first serve.